Hi! My name is Francesca Garrard. I am an enrichment professional, songwriter, instructor and children’s author. Bright Songshine was founded upon my idea of having a virtual and in person service where both children and adults could express creativity while learning new skills or honing talents in a safe and focused space. After working many years in the enrichment and recreation industry as well as in the music industry, I began Bright Songshine to create my own vision for others.

We offer private classes, small group classes, group workshops, customized projects and more!

I started by creating individual sessions or small group sessions, which is where I flourished while training in the arts. I needed that individual attention and focus to find my confidence. So I wanted to start Bright Songshine on the basis of private and focused lessons. Since then, we have expanded, but I will always ensure that we stand behind our focus on the individual.

For our sessions and services, we have instructors that are trained professionals with a great love of the arts. I choose all my instructors personally and ensure to keep the highest standards. Whichever avenue you take with us, rest assured you will feel fulfilled. Thank you for joining us, we can’t wait to be part of your creative journey!

Francesca :)