Once your session(s) are scheduled, an invoice will be sent for payment. Times and dates cannot be officially reserved before payment is made.



This session allows you to try out a class for a reduced price before signing up for a longer session. It can only be used one time per customer.


$275 4-weeks / $550 8-weeks

We use 4 or 8 week sessions to ensure that you get ample time to work and focus on your craft. By having this consistency, it will allow you and the instructor to create an understanding and truly get stuck into the creative work. Session would be once weekly. 40 minutes per class.



The 2-week sessions are only for Audition Technique and Monologue work. This will allow you to focus for 2 sessions on one performance piece or one audition before the big day!

Custom Projects

  • For custom projects, pricing will depend on the project length and complexity.

  • Once project has been discussed a price will be estimated.

  • To enquire about custom songs, plays and projects:

    Email: admin@brightsongshine.com